Friday, September 13, 2019

School Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

School Environment - Essay Example A manager is the sum total of so many attribute which includes astute administrative skills, computer literacy and the quality that determine budgetary estimates. The incumbent should know his job well. For example, the indents of trivial products like toilet sanitizer or unit of copies need a proper planning for optimized use for the entire month. From day to day management to far fetched planning, the manager should take care of all. 2. The administration goes hand in hand in delegating the work and the job of the high school manager can not shun that responsibility. He must lead from the front. He must give guidance to the battery of stuff that reports to him. If a clerical stuff has to put extra effort well past office hours, the duty of the manager is to take care of her well being and if required, drop her at her home or arrange for that. Apart from at per computer literacy, the system demands more from a manager who is the helm of the affair in any administrative functions. Fa r from basic knowledge, the manager should have the control over the main server and should be experienced enough to take care of main frame computer management (2) and data management. These are extremely secret area and the important documents like the question papers of different tests, confidential data need to be taken care off.

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